Celebrating Success – An Interview with Our Colleague: A Champion in Body Fitness

We’re excited to talk about one of our coworkers who just did something amazing in fitness sports. Meet Sanni Kastelvuo, who inspires everyone at work and beyond.

Q: Congratulations on your recent success in body fitness! Please tell us a bit about the competition you participated in.

A: Thank you! It’s been an incredible journey. I recently competed in the Fitness Classic Vantaa competition, the biggest fitness competition in Finland in spring. It was also a qualification for the Fitness European Championships in Spain in early May. I won in my class, which is Body Fitness under 168 cm. There were 20 athletes in my category. It was a challenging yet enriching experience. Next, I’m heading to Europe as a part of Team Finland athletes. To participate in Europeans was my goal for this competition season.

Q: What inspired you to pursue fitness as a lifestyle choice?

A: I love working out at the gym. I started training with competition goals six years ago and have already trained at the gym for over eight years. I love the physical and mental challenge that training hard gives, and it’s fascinating how you can affect your physical appearance by working out. The fitness holy trinity (in Finnish: pyhä kolminaisuus) is essential: working out, eating enough and right, and resting enough. It’s a perfect counterweight for my work as a Controller – first, I do the brain work at work, and after that, the physical work at the gym in the evening. 🙂

Q: How do you balance your career with your passion for fitness?

A: It can be challenging. In financial work, we have rigorous schedules, and also, during springtime, we have demanding financial statements and an annual audit process, which creates  challenges. In fitness competition season, my body fat percentage will be heavily reduced by eating less and working out more, which can create tiredness. Persistence and self-discipline are really needed to get everything done correctly.


Q: How does winning a trophy / first place in such a competitive field feel?

A: It feels incredibly rewarding to put so much effort into something and receive the best outcome. Winning the Finnish Championships in 2020 and now the Fitness Classic Championships validates the hard work put in. I compete under the Antidoping Fitness League, dedicated to promoting health and clean sports—known as ‘puhdas urheilu’ in Finnish—ensuring fair competition and the honesty of every win.

Competing is just the icing on the cake; the true essence of this sport lies in the months-long journey leading up to it.

Q: How does it feel to receive support from your colleagues and employer?

A: It is one of the most essential things in this field. Because this lifestyle is so comprehensive, everyday life must be balanced. I have been amazed and delighted by how many of my colleagues have supported me in this sport. I’m also grateful that my employer has supported and encouraged me to do this, especially by offering remote work, which allowed me to focus on accomplishing my goals. It is more than necessary that this sport is understood in the workplace, and it makes me happy that it has been highly considered.

Q: Any advice for others balancing their careers with personal passions or hobbies?

A: Work and profession are important, but equally necessary is your personal life. If you can carry out your passions in your spare time, you will also be a better employee. When you are happy, it positively affects your work and your personal life.

Sanni Kastelvuo’s journey from her desk job to winning big is inspiring. Her advice resonates with all striving to harmonize career ambitions with personal fulfilment: nurturing personal passions enhances overall well-being and productivity.

Let’s remember Sanni’s story next time we’re chasing dreams—go for it and keep pushing!

Poseflow / Mika Ankkuri & Larieemelimedia